
• 16-Bit CPU12X — Upward compatible with MC9S12 instruction set with the exception of five Fuzzy instructions (MEM, WAV, WAVR, REV, REVW) which have been removed — Enhanced indexed addressing — Access to large data segments independent of PPAGE • INT (interrupt module) — Eight levels of nested interrupts — Flexible assignment of interrupt sources to each interrupt level. — External non-maskable high priority interrupt (XIRQ) — Internal non-maskable high priority Memory Protection Unit interrupt — Up to 24 pins on ports J, H and P configurable as rising or falling edge sensitive interrupts • EBI (external bus interface)(available in 208-Pin and 144-Pin packages only) — Up to four chip select outputs to select 16K, 1M, 2M and up to 4MByte address spaces — Each chip select output can be configured to complete transaction on either the time-out of one of the two wait state generators or the deassertion of EWAIT signal • MMC (module mapping control) • DBG (debug module) — Monitoring of CPU and/or XGATE busses with tag-type or force-type breakpoint requests — 64 x 64-bit circular trace buffer captures change-of-flow or memory access information • BDM (background debug mode) • MPU (memory protection unit) — 8 address regions definable per active program task — Address range granularity as low as 8-bytes — No write / No execute Protection Attributes — Non-maskable interrupt on access violation • XGATE — Programmable, high performance I/O coprocessor module — Transfers data to or from all peripherals and RAM without CPU intervention or CPU wait states — Performs logical, shifts, arithmetic, and bit operations on data — Can interrupt the HCS12X CPU signalling transfer completion — Triggers from any hardware module as well as from the CPU possible — Two interrupt levels to service high priority tasks — Hardware support for stack pointer initialisation • OSC_LCP (oscillator) — Low power loop control Pierce oscillator utilizing a 4MHz to 16MHz crystal — Good noise immunity — Full-swing Pierce option utilizing a 2MHz to 40MHz crystal — Transconductance sized for optimum start-up margin for typical crystals • IPLL (Internally filtered, frequency modulated phase-locked-loop clock generation)
— No external components required — Configurable option to spread spectrum for reduced EMC radiation (frequency modulation) • CRG (clock and reset generation) — COP watchdog — Real time interrupt — Clock monitor — Fast wake up from STOP in self clock mode • Memory Options — 128K, 256k, 384K, 512K, 768K and 1M byte Flash — 2K, 4K byte emulated EEPROM — 12K, 16K, 24K, 32K, 48K and 64K Byte RAM • Flash General Features — 64 data bits plus 8 syndrome ECC (Error Correction Code) bits allow single bit failure correction and double fault detection — Erase sector size 1024 bytes — Automated program and erase algorithm • D-Flash Features — Up to 32 Kbytes of D-Flash memory with 256 byte sectors for user access. — Dedicated commands to control access to the D-Flash memory over EEE operation. — Single bit fault correction and double bit fault detection within a word during read operations. — Automated program and erase algorithm with verify and generation of ECC parity bits. — Fast sector erase and word program operation. — Ability to program up to four words in a burst sequence • Emulated EEPROM Features — Automatic EEE file handling using an internal Memory Controller. — Automatic transfer of valid EEE data from D-Flash memory to buffer RAM on reset. — Ability to monitor the number of outstanding EEE related buffer RAM words left to be programmed into D-Flash memory. — Ability to disable EEE operation and allow priority access to the D-Flash memory. — Ability to cancel all pending EEE operations and allow priority access to the D-Flash memory. • Two 16-channel, 12-bit Analog-to-Digital Converters — 8/10/12 Bit resolution — 3µs, 10-bit single conversion time — Left/right, signed/unsigned result data — External and internal conversion trigger capability — Internal oscillator for conversion in Stop modes — Wake from low power modes on analog comparison > or <= match • Five MSCAN (1 M bit per second, CAN 2.0 A, B software compatible modules) — Five receive and three transmit buffers
— Flexible identifier filter programmable as 2 x 32 bit, 4 x 16 bit, or 8 x 8 bit — Four separate interrupt channels for Rx, Tx, error, and wake-up — Low-pass filter wake-up function — Loop-back for self-test operation • ECT (enhanced capture timer) — 8 x 16-bit channels for input capture or output compare — 16-bit free-running counter with 8-bit precision prescaler — 16-bit modulus down counter with 8-bit precision prescaler — Four 8-bit or two 16-bit pulse accumulators • TIM (standard timer module) — 8 x 16-bit channels for input capture or output compare — 16-bit free-running counter with 8-bit precision prescaler — 1 x 16-bit pulse accumulator • PIT (periodic interrupt timer) — Up to eight timers with independent time-out periods — Time-out periods selectable between 1 and 224 bus clock cycles — Time-out interrupt and peripheral triggers • 8 PWM (pulse-width modulator) channels — 8 channel x 8-bit or 4 channel x 16-bit Pulse Width Modulator — programmable period and duty cycle per channel — Center- or left-aligned outputs — Programmable clock select logic with a wide range of frequencies — Fast emergency shutdown input • Three Serial Peripheral Interface Modules (SPI) — Configurable for 8 or 16-bit data size • Eight Serial Communication Interfaces (SCI) — Standard mark/space non-return-to-zero (NRZ) format — Selectable IrDA 1.4 return-to-zero-inverted (RZI) format with programmable pulse widths • Two Inter-IC bus (IIC) Modules — Multi-master operation — Software programmable for one of 256 different serial clock frequencies — Broadcast mode support — 10-bit address support • On-Chip Voltage Regulator — Two parallel, linear voltage regulators with bandgap reference — Low-voltage detect (LVD) with low-voltage interrupt (LVI) — Power-on reset (POR) circuit — 3.3V and 5V range operation — Low-voltage reset (LVR)
• Low-power wake-up timer (API) — Disponível in all modes including Full Stop Mode — Trimmable to +-5% accuracy — Time-out periods range from 0.2ms to ~13s with a 0.2ms resolution • Input/Output — Up to 152 general-purpose input/output (I/O) pins plus 2 input-only pins — Hysteresis and configurable pull up/pull down device on all input pins — Configurable drive strength on all output pins • Package Options — 208-pin MAPBGA — 144-pin low-profile quad flat-pack (LQFP) — 112-pin low-profile quad flat-pack (LQFP) — 80-pin quad flat-pack (QFP) • 50MHz maximum CPU bus frequency, 100MHz maximum XGATE bus frequency

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